Thursday, June 28, 2012

Bucket seating for plein air painting

I noticed in a photo of David Kassan's subway demo he is using bucket seating. I never thought about it before, but it is a great idea for plein air painting because you can use the bucket first to carry your supplies and then flip it over to use as a seat.  It would be cool to create a little cushion on the top for comfort and then a fabric insert to hold/easily remove your supplies.  Maybe the insert can be zippered on top too... I have an 18" inch grape juice/wine bucket that would be perfect to try this out with!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Painting a figure composition by my teacher Max Ginsburg

(click image to enlarge)

"Unemployment Line",  a work in progress by Max Ginsburg.

Here is an outline of how he begins painting a figure composition:

1. Conceptual pencil sketches.
2. Painting studies of each model.
3. Compositional pencil sketches based on the painting studies.
4. Place a one inch grid over the compositional study to be used which, in this case, is 4" x 8".
5. Stretch a canvas, 40" x 80", the same proportion as the sketch, and draw a 10" grid.
6. In charcoal approximate the position and size of the figures.
7. Paint, in a direct alla prima manner, each model as a loosely painted block in from life.  So far in this painting each model posed 3 or 4 hours.
8. When all the models and background have been blocked in the development of the forms and the composition will proceed, with the models returning for several sessions each.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Yesenia •  16" x 20" • oil on canvas • June 2012

2 week pose. Shadow coming in from the right not on actual painting. Can anyone recommend a camera that does not cause distortion for under $500-600?